Kassy is a sweet caring funny girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind she isn't perfect thought she makes mistakes and people hold that against her. She has been through a rough life. Nobody really takes the time to sit down with her and get to know the real her .she doesnt like dresses anx high heels she would rather wear sneakers any day. Sorta a tomboy at times isnt afraid to get her hands dirty and enjoys singing and dancing.
Kassy is so talented
by Thatnobody November 15, 2018
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the best friend ever omg shes so cool and amazing ‼️ 😍😍
girl 1: do u know kassie?
boy: no whos that
nonbinary who somehow got theirselves into the conversation: omg only the coolest person ever!
by nekowye April 29, 2021
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Everyone's Best Friend. She loves life and knows how to rock is an amazing listener and puts others first. She knows how to dance and is a little bit crazy. she is super cool but doesnt act full of herself. she loves you!! She is also super classy and has a funny laugh.
WOw that girl just made a kassy!

She is so Kassy!
by ninjadrewzers:) January 2, 2011
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Kassie means awesome blue eyed brown haired girl who is kind at times but can also be a total bitch..... Shes loved by many but also hated on by plenty... shes super pretty and even when lookin like a bumm can pull off the look....
exp: that girl over there is soooo kassie....
exp: Boy 1: Yo she is soooo kassie
boy 2: yeah you would be lucky to have a kassie like that
boy 1: Yeah matts a lucky duck
by tracie lazer August 6, 2011
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Kassi is an amazing nice person who cares about others feelings and she has a rlly hot body with abs and a big juicy butt and big boobs . Everyone loves her bc she is a flirt . A lot of guys like her bc she is hot . Kassi is rlly funny and loves acting weird and crazy ppl think she is rlly funny . She try’s to be healthy but she loves ice cream . She likes guys with abs and a hot belly button . She is just all around amazing everyone is lucky to have her as a friend. If u arnt dating her stay close bc she is one hot friend or girlfriend.
Kassi is a hot amazing girl .
by Hot bellybutton January 9, 2018
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She’s hot. And really has a thing for short guys. She has tons of friends. Some mfs don’t like her just because of the way she acts. She’s the funniest person on planet earth. She’s drippy as frick, super pretty, and more athletic than ur dad. Also, kassy is built asf.
“She’s such a kassy
by Cookies are kool November 21, 2021
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