A unit of awkwardness. It is not an abbreviation for awkward.
"I watch that movie, and the scene where they get naked had so many awks"
"I walked into the room and there was lots of awks"
by gdfuckingj November 10, 2011
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To abbreviate awkward to make it even more awkward, therefore making it awks. To make the situation even more awkward you can make it awks octo (abbreviating octopus to increase the awkwardness).
"God that was awks"
"Yeah, tell me about it" *awks octo*
by SeeksBillieJoe May 5, 2011
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Deliberately pretending to be unfamiliar with an inside joke your friend tells with the intent of creating an awkward situation and/or making them look ridiculous.
Kevin: "Nooo you can have some milk tho!"

Juri: *silence*

Crowd: "Kevin. . . WTF?!"

Kevin: "Juri, stop awking me!"

Juri: *silence*
by BCC_Chillan May 26, 2010
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Abbreviation for Andrew W.K. To "AWK some shit up" means to party hard and destroy everything. Term popularized by the Giving Chase crew.
"I'm drunk as fuck, let's AWK some shit up!!!!!!!"
by Mar April 8, 2005
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An over used word that some people say way too much! Cough cough DELAINEY, what?
1: Person a) I have a heard of awks running through my mind! It's So AWKS!
Person b) SHUT UP!!!
by Del-is-awks November 25, 2011
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A word used by rappers, or singers, to fill in the blank to maintain a structure in a rhyme or a certain flow.
"Yo, I will shoot your pops/ Fuck a knife, I keep a ruger awk!/"
by Theo Ramkaran June 21, 2006
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