A new game for rejects of other battle royale games.
No Fortnite wins.
No Pubg wins.
No H1z1 wins.
No Blackout wins.
No Realm Royale wins.
I'm finished with losing at battle royale games. Time for some Apex Legends.
by handlethisone February 9, 2019
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The game that is causing cringe and the only cure is Fortnite. A getaway for those who think X-box is better than PS4 and playing Apex will result in toe sucking and eye rashes.
I walk out to find someone crawling the streets. I ask him what brought him to this horrible condition. He said he had eye rashes. I could easily see that. He was also sucking his toe. Apparently, the cause of this horrible sickness was Apex Legends.
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A dumbass game that thought that it will kill and overcome Fortnite but did the opposite a month into its release. It’s a shit game that it’s made by EA and surprised it doesn’t force you to spend money on the god forsaken game
Hey dude, Wanna Play some Apex Legends?
Fuck no that’s a deformed Fortnite copy
by Dat_Boi33 July 19, 2019
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A peice of shit game that everyone talked about, even though it died in less than 2 months
Yo do you wanna play apex legends later?
No im not gay nor broke.
by Im cracked May 11, 2019
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A gay ass game played by 10 year old kids
Hey do you wan't to go play my gay ass game callaed Apex Legends
by Black goat May 15, 2019
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An over-complicated game fulla shit, it looks like they tried too hard to copy Fortnite, graphics are too realistic and the players are actually fags, they tried too hard.
“Hey dude, seen that new Apex Legends?”
“Yeah dude, looks like shit, they tried too hard to be like Fortnite”
“Yeah, it’s too complicated, I hate that shit”
by Ur Mom Gae as fauq May 4, 2019
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A game that died faster than big changes.
Jim: Oh hey dude you wanna hop on apex?

Alex: No I'm an intellectual I don't play autistic games like Apex Legends
by epic nut May 20, 2019
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