1)The name for a beautiful girl who has a fantastic personality. A girl who has problems, and is an anorexic goddess-heaven sent.
2)A mili A mili A mili
3)Another word for a stripper
"Whoahh, look at that sexy anorexic girl. She's an ameli!"

"I loved it when that ameli danced on me!"
by Sssammy February 6, 2009
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An absolute lad. Ames is the height of intellect but cannot tie shoelaces. Ames is amazing at everything and is the best friend you could ask for, always there for you. Also a little bitch- in the best of ways. An Ames is not afraid to cheat in UNO and will deny it if caught.
They are very sweet at heart however Ames is a top and will fuck you hard. If you’re looking for a good time, just find Ames. Despite being a furry, they will not fuck you in a fursuit, no matter how much you beg.
Whilst being a genius, an Ames is capable of commuting sins no one else could, for example, breaking Toasters and diluting fruit juice. Ames will defend themselves but in reality they are wrong.
Ames has the build of a Greek god, oiled muscular body, 8ft and not compensating for anything.
If you have the opportunity, get an Ames in your life, they’re a great cover for having zero braincells (not that they have more..) and will help you with your maths homework.
Person a: Omg look over there!

Person b: Woah they look pretty hot... and gay

Person a: Are they cheating at uno?
Person b: ah. An Ames
by Ch0z September 1, 2019
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A dumbass band kid looking for attention who occasionally says, "We must execute all furries."
Oh, that kid again. Such an ame.
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After Midnight.

The 22nd Century, non-Latin version of that very late, or early time of day.
-Omg, It's 1:35 in the AM? does that stand for After Midnight?

-No it doesnt but it might as well mean that. It means antes media something. It means before noon in Latin.

It's 2 in the AM. Nothing good ever happens in the AM.
by KaliWalle October 28, 2010
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All Month Syndrome (AMS), similar to Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle.

The only difference is the wide range of physical and/or emotional symptoms occur all month; and has scientifically doesn't have anything to do with the menstrual cycle.
Joe: 'Why is she acting like such a bitch?'

John: 'She must be suffering from AMS'
by john916 October 5, 2010
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The art of taking a gigantic shit, or expelling a devil turd from one's ass
Hey Bell what's up?
Oh man I have to go drop an Ames
by medzed September 17, 2006
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Refers to someone who is an aircraft maintenance engineer.
by caino September 16, 2007
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