Hey lets go get some ductape and some Old E so we can play Edward Forty Hands not 120 ounces of man.
by Uncle Larry October 16, 2006
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Infamous movie made by director Pier Paulo Pasolini in the mid 70s. It is about a group of middle aged men who have a bunch of kids captive in a castle-like place somewhere in Italy in the 40s. These men force the kids to eat shit, abuse them sexually and physically, and at the end of the movie, torture and mutilate them. The "white ring" DVD of this movie sells for as much as $900.00 on eBay.
When I saw "Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom" at a theater in 1979, by the end of the movie, only a few people were still in the place. Most could not stomach it, and walked out at some point during the film.
by Woody Thomas April 27, 2006
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An infamous 1975 film directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, based on the book "The 120 Days of Sodom" by the Marquis de Sade. In the story, four fascist libertines in Italy round up 9 teenage boys and 9 teenage girls, and subject them to 120 days of physical, mental, and sexual torture. Interestingly, the film is divided into four segments that loosely parallel Dante Alighieri's Inferno: the Anteinferno, the Circle of Manias, the Circle of Shit, and the Circle of Blood. Considered one of the most graphic and disturbing films of all time.
College film student: So, I have to watch "Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom" for "The Art of Film and Video." You wanna join me?

College art student: No thanks, I just ate!
by loop zoop June 29, 2011
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Biggest flex in existence. Bigger flex than a Rolex,ps5,xbox one x,Bugatti. Biggest flex ever
Kid entering class:Hey guys I got the crayola 120 pack during the weekend.
The whole class: *bows down*
by Yeetyeet5533 April 27, 2022
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Sildenafil's duration of action is determined by a person's weight, age, and other health conditions, although the tablet normally wears out after 4-6 hours. Keep in mind that your erection should never last more than four hours. If this occurs, contact a doctor. sildalist 120 pills are well-known penis enlargement drugs. Sildenafil is the active component in sildalist 120 pills. This is one of the most popular sex life medications among males. sildalist 120 should only be used once per day. It is a commonly approved and utilised treatment strategy for sex-related disorders. Men are the primary users of these tablets. For additional information on this drug, please visit our website.
sildalist 120 pills are well-known penis enlargement drugs. Sildenafil is the active component in sildalist 120 pills. This is one of the most popular sex life medications among males.
by patriciajenner February 21, 2023
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Someone with pseudo intelligence A.K.A. someone with 120iq
That Redditor is such a 120'er!

My Professor thinks he's smart, but he's such a 120'er!

120'er moment.
by Monkey Putin April 1, 2023
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If a woman performs cellular respiration, she is a thot. There is no age restriction, period.
Thot: *slight sound of breathing*
Man: “Rule 120.”
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