24 Inch Rims, the number relates to the hit fox show 24 which is as gangster as a pair of 24 inch rims. Jack Bauer is the lead character, producer, etc. of 24 and pretty gangster
A:I got an 02 Tahoe sittin on Jack Bauers
B: Damn Son, them shit's is tight, you got spinnas on them?
A: Nah Yo
by Brandon D. S. June 29, 2006
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A true hero, and I wanna be him, and also be IN his daughter
Jack Bauer is a fu**ing legend!
by pimpinainteasy September 15, 2003
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Jack Bauer is SOL... no, not shit outta luck. Sex On Legs. ;)
Jack Bauer is sex on legs... and Kiefer isn't bad either!
by duckhunter24 August 16, 2004
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Verb: Meaning to open up a serious can of "whoop ass" on a person or group of people in such a way that it is quite clear which of the parties involved got his or her ass kicked.
Did you see that fight between Nate and Martin? Yeah. He totally Jack Bauered his ass!
by TscribeBoston December 21, 2006
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1. To Be Up For 24 Hours Or More.
2. Something Than Happens To Terrorist.
3. A Card You Don't Want To Play.
4. Something You Say When Someone Is Harassing You For Info.
News Reporter: Numerous Terrorist Around the Globe Have Been Killed By an Unknown Gunner brandishing a Silenced Nine millimeter.
Me: Must Be Jack Bauer.
by Slade Technics December 19, 2006
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