When you dangle your balls Over your belt buckle and get an unsuspecting person to look at your new belt buckle
by bRih-otch September 20, 2020
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An exclamation mark you say/shout when you fuck something up. Also could be used to throw shade at somebody named buckles.
Bob: Hey Juanietto, you got that tax return done for the upcoming fiscal year?

Juanietto: Oh fuck buckles! No, that completely left my mind. Let me get to that after I complete our annual analytics finished by this afternoon.
by FUCKBUCKLES January 31, 2020
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The act of tucking ones abercrombie shirt in behind ones buckle. the bigger the buckle. the faggier the guy.
"look at the buckle tuck on that faggot"
by JEFFREY HNTER August 7, 2008
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Somebody who looks like they need a helmet and loves to manipulate (a.k.a military, or JROTC in high school)… or someone whose head looks like they have the IQ of a belt buckle.
“What did your buckled headed husband say you can’t do?” “He’s cute but his tinder profile has him posing with a fish all buckle headed
by Anywomanever August 23, 2023
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