A person who likes to go down on woman can be used as an insult to a woman or as a joke to a male
What are you talking about you box biter
by AGRO83 September 22, 2020
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Where you have a man/women bite your pubis hair off
chad: I got a hair-biter from Ashley last night
kevin: did it hurt

chad: fuck yes it did
by leorocker81 February 22, 2021
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Any female figure who shows an interest towards males who participate in skateboarding.
Bro, I'm definitely gonna have sex with this wheel biter.
by The OneandOnly March 15, 2014
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A fighting move.

It is where one crouches down, dives towards to the enemy and delivers a headbutt.
"I landed the nastiest flying biter on a pimp last night. Shit was ROUGH."
by trap bandits September 12, 2013
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One of Hillary Clintons staff members.
Old Hildog had a couple more of her cankle biters killed today, they didn't respond quickly enough when she bellowed.
by Hatefulate April 14, 2022
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Person, usually a politician who hides behind a microphone or megaphone but cannot defend their statements in a debate or open forum.
Congressperson Smith is a Mic biter. They refuse to answer reporters questions.
by Mdmckin April 9, 2022
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A mixed drink created the morning after a party, using the remaining bits of liquor from a number of bottles not quite finished the night before.
Man, that was a crazy party, but hey, we've got some jack and vodka left over, let's make a crank biter!
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