A dysregulatory response in which the mind has nothing else to go to except the response above.
**at fancy restaurant

BLEACH MY BALLS, this place is faaaannncy
by January 27, 2022
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When a man let's out a hot fart while sitting down, thus pushing the farther forward and baking his testicles
Someone roll a window down, I'm about to cook my balls.
by Gray Matter January 17, 2023
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my balls is very big
my balls big and blue
by Balls.licker5000 September 6, 2022
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my balls
my balls
by TehTardNugget August 6, 2022
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a term used to ask to put a sex toy on your penis.
1: Hey, can you blade my balls?
2: Yeah dude, of course!
*toy sounds*
1: Ugh, it feels so good!
by anonymous person… November 7, 2023
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