The “Hollywood Filter” is a face tuning filter from a retouch app called FaceApp. Every influencer uses it. That’s why they all look the same.
by eeeemmmmeeeeee May 15, 2022
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The IR-cut filter(ICF) is a short pass filter that blocks infrared light (700-1100nm)and transmits the visible light(400-700nm)
IR cut filter
by Accuteoptical August 17, 2009
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Mass media "filters" filtered out new stories and facts that are presented in major local, regional, national and international news media outlets. The five classes of media "filters" are:

1) Ownership, especially when media ownership is consolidated and participatory with regards to self and special interests.
2) Funding sources include both internal and external sources of financing the reporting.
3) Sourcing - where sources can influence action taking advantage of their value to the source, and which can negatively affect access and reliability, and punish those that negatively impact the source or the sources constituents.
4) Flak - negative responses to a media statement, article, or program. It can be lawsuits, intimidation, violence, boycott and destroying livelihood.
5) "being branded fear activating ideology that is not accepted by the hegemony". - communist, socialist, liberal, etc.
The reporter could not get past the media filters with his highly controversial stories, even though they were well documented and fact-checked.
by mlhiss December 16, 2019
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Similar to other sex acts known as coffee filter but with a dramatic twist reusing the undies for an actual coffee filter
Charl: I was giving Davit a real coffee filter with the Taco Bell I had eaten and stained up my tighty whities good. After our sexual frenzy was over I washed out the tighty whities and since they were already stained I used them to filter my coffee grounds in the percolator because I had run out of paper ones.
Winks: sounds like you invented the Keyser Coffee Filter. A nice mix of poo and dark roast caffeine!
by Esterlino Dorado February 18, 2022
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My brother is a moron and he thinks this is a proper phrase
I am a moron with a rose filter
by Alberto CG August 4, 2019
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My brother is a moron and he thinks that this is a saying
I'm a moron , rose filter
by Alberto CG August 4, 2019
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The mild self-delusion that your unanswered emails are actually going into the recipient's spam folder.
A: Didn't you already email her?

B: Yeah, but what if she didn't get it? I'd better call.

A: That's a filter hope, B.
by subsubsublibrarian October 8, 2011
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