An informally constituted social gathering for over-educated individuals academically channeling their 'party-animal' impulse through composition of a précis of their formal scientific endeavors.
We're having an abstract writing party tomorrow night at xyz's house.
by Veisalgia November 21, 2019
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The action of spilling ranch onto a surface and drawing or spelling things with your finger by running it through the ranch.
by NeoNation March 12, 2019
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to drag a piece of graphite, or ink into making shapes and images to communicate to the reader(the persons you are communicating to.)
I'm gonna write to john and let him know he left his door open
by the character dealer February 9, 2022
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I caught the fat old slag saying the word "write" instead of the word she was trying to say. Get it? Because I WROTE something about her. Get it? Dave did it too! Freudian slips for the win. God, I had no idea how useful a little college level psychology could be before this all started but holy shit! 10 out of 10. Would recommend.
Hym "I owe the practice of psychology a great deal. And now I have several business have employees participating in imposed schizophrenia one of which HAS MICROPHONES EVERYWHERE AND THIS INSTANCE WHERE SHE SAYS 'WRITE' INSTEAD OF WHAT SHE MEANS TO SAY HAS BEEN RECORDED and the other where their posts directly coincide with mine across a 6+ month period. This is too rich man. I really can't believe it. To be this right about so many absurd things. Like, if someone did this to you, do you really think you would have been able to figure it out? At all? Would have even had a guess as to how you would even start to determine whether or not it was real? Or whether the whore was fucking that retard? Now I know there's a portion of you who think 'Too good to be me' but give me a break. You would have been fucked. I'm the only person who could have made this work. And it's not because I'm a genius (which I am). It's mainly just you being a bunch of dumb shits. You really thought you were better than somebody. Lo and behold I'm a living, breathing, money factory and it's so easy for me to generate billions of dollars that you need to pretend I'm not doing it to maintain your delusional worldview. I can't fucking believe it. I really can't. I challenged you all to 'Me vs. Everyone' and you lost you fucking bums! Aahahahahahahahaha!!!"
by Hym Iam February 18, 2023
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A common page name on a website that bloggers use to encourage guestposters to contribute to their website.
Bablings has a write for us page. They accept content on almost any topic too!
by Sandy_Cheeks July 13, 2017
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the only one immature is you
for not being able to face me
Making everything you *write*, not even speak, unreliable.
by Krkič June 14, 2019
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