BJ POWER, is a rap group combining the lyrical ingenuity of BJ WAFA with the beat making skills of OTA.
n. "When you get BJ WAFA together with OTA, to make BJ POWER, then you start to get a REAL song."
by BJ WAFA April 8, 2010
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Noun. Slang term from the game Egyptian Rat Screw, referring to face cards, which allow you to win portions of the hand and are necessary to the strategy of winning. Someone with power cards is in control or lucky. Conversely, someone without power cards is on their way to losing.
Person 1: Hey, congratulations on your team's win!
Person 2: Yeah I know, we definitely had all the power cards last night.

Person 1: Oh wow, you look like a mess, what happened?
Person 2: I broke up with Becky last night. God, I've just got no more power cards.
by Sigma0 December 1, 2005
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Some stupid little girl who always seems to be in denial about existance
"That girl is such a Lauren powers, she's always talking about random stuff
by Lauren Pores July 2, 2017
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when a male folds his shaft into his ball sack to form a ball
by November 3, 2023
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