A place where most of the people drink beer and watch premier league.
Hey Adam! Would you like to come with me and some folks to some Pub so we can drink plenty of pints while watching the big game of Arsenal against Chelsea?
by Vict0riu5 December 7, 2022
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1) Cult members of the Republican Party.

2) Cucks of Donald Trump and Republican leadership.

3) Conservative version of “Libs” deriving from the terms “republicans”
There goes those damn pubs over there again screaming and crying about how their rights are being violated by the Subway cashier.
by SneakySnake69 September 25, 2020
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(noun) A commonly used slang term for republican
There are so many pubs living in Florida
by Pubmaster2024 July 12, 2022
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Public player. slang from warcraft 3, dota2, and other similar type games.
He's not a good player, he's just a pub
by ranvar May 9, 2021
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"ayo foo im going in pub i can't do that!!!!!!!"

"have u ever did the sex in pub??"
by bigdaddyemma January 26, 2022
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An Australian rules football league in Melbourne played by the greatest athletes on the planet. Whenever they play, everyone in the vicinity has to witness it. Commonly known as the greatest competition in the world.
Person 1: “Are you going to the funeral?”

Person 2: “Nah mate, I can’t, the pub footy is on”
by Theendofdays69 March 3, 2023
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Gaming with an elite squad of discord buddies playing unranked games and “Crushing” the “Public” or casual gamers. I.E. Pub Crushing
Do you want to play ranked matches tonight or go pub crushing?
by TechBroPro August 22, 2022
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