When someone who sucks at sports gets a good play, and everyone on their team goes crazy about it to make them feel good. Usually occurs when the person who sucks is on the team and the people don't want him to be. For example, in Physical Education.
Man, I hate it when someone who sucks gets a feel good cheer, why not just tell them they suck and let them hit good when they hit good.
by t12j19c95 June 9, 2009
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A christmas blog:


provides lists of christmas carols and songs, christmas tree ideas, card designs, wallpapers, photos and lyrics.
christmas creep
Spreading Christmas Cheer
by feliznavidad May 7, 2012
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When someone is talking doyleish.

(See Doyleish term)

You let them finish and thank them.

"Cheers Doyle"
by Urbanthing October 27, 2022
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Used by people who falsely cheer on other people to benefit themselves.
Johnny: "Dude, you can totally forge a fake ID. I believe in you!"

Bill: "No man, I'll get caught! Plus, you're just pseudo-cheering me on because you want me to make you one."
by Christopher Davez August 2, 2012
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A sign which is used by SaiDa recently. Now knowing if it's a private sign between them or not but we SaiDa shippers still approved this
Once when they meet each other: Hey buddy!
Meanwhile SaiDa's shippers: Cheers!
by Yun2928 May 21, 2018
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