The best board company fucking ever
p0$3r: Aye diylain, what kinda board is that it’s sexyy as fuck
d!¥LA!n: It’s a Welcome Skateboards deck fucker
by diylain November 10, 2019
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Guy 1: I'm gonna buy a new Walmart skateboard.
Guy 2: kys
by Shizenkai November 13, 2016
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when u got crossed up on the court and broke you're ankle but don't want anyone to know u got crossed up so you tell people u know that u fell off a skateboard
Friend: dam bro how u break your ankle?

Brian: i Fell off a skateboard

Friend: dam thats crazy
by Dawson's gay January 6, 2022
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A kid in your 7th grade class that will not stop calling u mac and cheese.Also roles a tiny skateboard over your head and that then got it stuck in your hair.
¨way skateboard head¨
by McKaylea March 3, 2020
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To shut down a feature request in software development in favor of delivering an MVP. As in "We've got to build a skateboard before we can build a car." Derived from the popular infographic about delivering MVP's in which you develop a skateboard first, followed by a scooter, then a bicycle, then a motorcycle, then a car.
"I asked Terry to add more "pop" to the sign in page and he totally skateboarded me!"
by Zachmo March 16, 2018
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