1) The most pointless phrase in the English language because you are already talking when you say this.
2) Means: You're screwed.
3) Signals the beginning of the end of a relationship.
4) Your wife/girlfriend wants to bitch about something. The perfect time to fake a heart attack.
1) A: We need to talk
B: We already are, dumbass.
2) A: We need to talk
B: Ahh shit.
3) A: We need to talk
B: *packs bags*
4) A: We neeed to talk
B: *falls to the ground clutching heart*
by Kay March 21, 2004
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womens secret code for : haha sonny, you're fucked.
honey, about our relationship, we gotta talk.
by Jack White September 20, 2003
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the WORSE combination of four words in the dictionary. usually implies the future action in a realtionship aka, hes dumping you.
Jack- Betty, we need to talk.
Betty- oh shit
by Ninj4 October 14, 2003
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The 4 word sentence that never leads to a good conversation. Usually a good way to prepare the other for bad news.
Translations for "We have to talk":
From Boss: You're fired.
From Girlfriend: I'm pregnant, I'm dumping you.
From Parents: We know what you did.
From Friends: Pay your rent dammit.
by sixfourfish January 7, 2009
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My girl called me up and said "we need to talk," and i knew it was over.
by trip September 26, 2003
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woman: "we need to talk."
man: 'shit!'
by King Gabey March 21, 2004
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