A phrase used when you feel disgust or fear a person antics and you want to pretend that you dont know them. A variant of Tch Tch or Pch Pch ( sounds that are made when you feel sorry for someone).
Tish Tish! I dont even know her.
by OmniAthena July 3, 2015
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The leftover finely grounded weed in the grinder usually smoked last. Usually hits harder than normal hits
"I'm gonna take a tish rip"
by Welen November 25, 2017
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"Mya can I just steal a tish of your pepsi?"

"OMG you only left a tish of coating powder for me!"

"Just add a teeny tish of pepper into the stew"
by Acacia Couture Bordeaux February 6, 2010
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When you're being soft af (like a tissue)
When you're acting small or weak in order to get out of something
Also can be used to describe something too boujee
Yo bro stop being a tish.
Get up, you lazy tish, we need to go to work.
Yo, you're watch is too tish for this party.
by Chraalin2 July 28, 2017
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A Tish is formally known as a snotty tissue.
Ugh! Im not touching that! It's a Tish!
Go away! You tish.
by Three maths musketeers November 22, 2019
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1) to take an object from a bar.

2) the act of getting non-drinkers drunk.

3) a Preschool teacher.
What happened to our Rosette? It was Tish!

She is getting him tish.

What's a hangover Mrs. Tish and why do we have to wisper?
by tmccstr February 8, 2010
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