National motto for silas should should a
country/nation/etc be named after him
The natural calling for Silas is and ALWAYS WILL BE
E svllabus UNUM is the official motto
by ben&scarys September 26, 2022
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The method of transportation used by large groups that have a propensity towards singing, marching, flash mobs, or other group activities in a silly nature. Pronounced: sill-eh-bus-ez or sill-ee-bus-ez, dependant on region.
The new military classes got in their syllabuses to go to school (or training).
by Grammy Girl August 16, 2011
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Having sexual relations with a member of every course at your university or college.
Sally: So I like Dave a lot, do you think I should go for it with him?

Judy: Definitely, he's a Philosophy student and you only have Philosophy and Maths to go before you're finished completing the syllabus
by qwertydave69 August 31, 2015
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A phrase used by SoCal bros to call out someone who obviously has no idea what they're talking about. Usually when talking about dirtbikes/cars/beer pong rules
Dumb Kid: Dude, my mom's Toyota Tercel probably has like 450 hp or something!

Normal Kid: Broseph, you need to go check up on your syllabus.
by nkssss November 2, 2010
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