neo-skiing, where participants use one board and not two. Also known as one of the most labor intensive sports to learn. Has a drammatically faster learning curve than skiing.
Me: I have been skiing for eight years, and I figured out snowboarding on my first day.
Dude: Would you do it again?
Me: If I ever get a nice long winter to be able to develope the skill.
by Pius Aeneas September 13, 2008
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An objest used for one of the greatest sports ever...SNOWBOARDING. Whether your're carving down a steep mountain side, ripping up the park with insane mad shit, just cruising or a beginner...Once you go Board you never go back.
I have a snowboard.
by Bex December 4, 2003
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Snowboarding was pioneered during the late '60s and early '70s by guys who opted to build boards in shop class instead of birdhouses and tobacco pipes. Those first snowboards only vaguely resemble the equipment that exists today; they were small, wooden, and difficult to maneuver. Fortunately, designers such as Tom Sims, Jake Burton, and Chuck Barfoot gave up their dreams of having a cubicle job and instead devoted their time to creating better snowboards and promoting the sport. As the popularity of snowboarding increased (especially in the 1980s), media coverage and large-scale competition brought the sport to the public's attention. However, since the advent of the pseudo punk uprising, half of the teenager population claims to be a snowboarder because they own a snowboard. Despite the massive influx of false snowboarders, it is still a sport with no equal.
Bob: What do you wanna do today?
Snowboard junkie: SNOWBOARD!!!!
Bob: Dude, its august.
Snowboard junkie: Who gives a fuck?
Bob: The only snow around is in Canada.
Snowboard junkie: Lets go!
Bob: No!
Snowboard junkie: DEATH TO YOU INFIDEL!
Faker: Huh huh huh, I snowbaord! I can ride down a black diamond at 3 mph!
Snowboard junkie: I WILL CUT YOUR THROAT!
by Bob the Leprechaun August 8, 2004
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a beautifully designed instrument used for slaying all types of snowcovered terrain and rails
I used my Snowboard to do a switch frontside rodeo 540
by Sean "sTc REP" Eggel July 15, 2003
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anyone who snowboards. many (but not all) skiers hate snowboarders because they have only seen the snowboarders who either suck so much that they only slide down the mountain and scrape snow (but hey, they gotta start somewhere), or the cocky ones who only hit park all day long on good pow days and are assholes to skiers who are also in the park. its because of riders like this that skiers have created an extremely negative stereotype about snowboarders. these snowboarders account for about only 5%-45% of the snowboarders, depending on where you go. most of the skiers don't have friends who are true riders create and live by these stereotypes.

true riders:
dont bitch and whine about skiers all the time- they can be just as cool as us

dont hog up the park all day and sit down in landings

shred the pow when possible

can ride whatever they feel like and dont hate on other riders who rip on different stuff then they do, unless the rider ONLY does park (some people like backcountry more, some like park more, some like inbounds more, but a good mix is what i like).

ride to have fun, to live life. (and they can do this w/friends)

(and also, shawn white is a great rider, and im not hatin, but he isnt the only great one. ever heard of guys like craig kelly, or antti autti?)
most snowboarders are actually really ill guys.

yes we have our own language. dont start hatin because you dont know what ill, shred, pow, gnar, and such means.

we're creative enough to make our own diction, assholes
by WiMcS July 11, 2008
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The best of the major extreme sports (Skateboarding, surfing, BMX, Motocross and Rollerfagging).
The snowboard is the thing your boots are strapped into and snowboarding is what you do with it.
Heli-boarding and carving up untouched powder faces on a snowboard is the best experience known to man.
Unfortunately freeriding doesn't get much exposure anymore as it is being replaced by the lucrative freestyle business. People are beginning to forget that its about riding down the mountain, not seeing who can get the best photospread.
Rider : "Do you snowboard?"
Fake Rider(ie.'Fashion Nazi') : "Yeah I bought a new burton for $10 000 and decked myself out with all this season's new shit. Tommorow I'm going to go parade it in the pipe(half-pipe)."
Rider : "Yeah whateva dude, LATE!@"
by Diego August 15, 2003
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