Nash: yo girl, shave dem hairs on your legs. They lookin' nasty af no sike or whatever.
by TayBaeNashIWantThatAssCamZam October 22, 2014
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it means, "just kidding." many spell it incorrectly as "psych" or "psyche" but if you were alive in the 70s you know it is spelled "sike."
Sure I'll sleep with you, Aaron. Sike!
by wwew June 10, 2009
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(interjection) meaning "false!" or "just kidding!" Also see sie. Antonyms: See forsooth or sooth
Yo' mamma look like dumbo on speed, sike!
by Emilave January 15, 2003
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the act of kidding

it is not to be confused with the word *sarcasm*
wtf u must be siking me ruben!!!
by queen of dankness November 18, 2008
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I think the correct spelling for this is

PSYCH! referring to psychology....
by adrien coblentz March 5, 2005
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It means 'only joking'.
Person 1: You're gey!
Person 2: :o :(
Person 1: SIKE
Person 2: What the hell does that mean??
Person 1: It means only joking.
Person 2: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm searching it on the Urban Dictionary.
Person 1: Omfg!!
by brewed-since-1992 April 26, 2006
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Slang term for "psych" or "psyched out" meaning to have given an insult, usually delivered in a beleivable fashion.
by (r33py September 25, 2003
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