A limited production performance package to the 1999 and 2000 ZX2's.
See zx2 s/r
by phillysr00 November 5, 2003
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a l a s r is a term used at Camp Hoover meaning as long as smoke rises, and following up with my best friend you’ll be by someone else.
Brenda: a l a s r
Lucy: my best friend you’ll be
by hi lol May 16, 2020
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A typical dutch person called Dion, With very much CLOUT
Look at the C L O U T M A S T E R he is so perfect.
by The real Feddeus January 21, 2019
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A word used by the superior Dutch people to signify their presence on any Dutch related posts which literally translates to "Colonised". Usage of this word is usually followed by someone else saying "Zeg makker".
Guy 1: "Hey did you hear about this one thing that is super vaguely connected to the Dutch?"
Guy 2: "No I actually didn't, I would love to hea-
Random Dutch person: "G E K O L O N I S E E R D"
by Lickwits November 14, 2019
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A word that dutch men like to use in really bad memes. it means KOLONISED.
youtube video for tiny kids exists.
dutch men: G E K O L O N I S E E R D
by QWERIOP1 March 29, 2019
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A: Hey, remember when Steve Jobs almost died of Ligma and met Joe?
B: Who's Joe?
A: Josh eroding his mapping Macbook, but without the s,h,r,o,d,i,n,g,p,c and b
by DougDimmaDave January 2, 2022
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