1. an eraser
2. a condom
1. I bought a pack of rubbers incase i make any mistakes whilst writing.
2. I banged this fit girl, lucky i bought some rubbers earlier in the day!
by hellothere111 March 7, 2009
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Scottish slang, used as a verb to describe the act of ignoring something.
"Is that the door? We're too busy playing FIFA, just rubber it"

"I was trying to phone Davie earlier on to find out about those pills for Friday, but the cunt's rubbering his phone"
by sengabus August 31, 2006
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A type of condom, usually made of latex, but can be sometimes made of lambskin(not really lambskin, but the intestines).
by chris galehouse March 27, 2008
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general insult; a rubber (noun) is another name for a person of questionable judgment in its most mild form and an outright dick in the worst
by J B October 12, 2004
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When someone recommends a movie so horrible, but plays it up as if it was the best movie ever.
The term Rubbered is derived from the title of the movie "Rubber", which never gets good. Ever.
Rubberer: Yo man, have you seen Rubber?
Rubberee: Never heard of it.

Rubberer: It's on Netflix. You gotta watch it.
Rubberee: Alright.

(10 minutes into the movie via text message...)
Rubberee: Dude this movie is garbage.
Rubberer: It just starts slow. It gets crazy at the end.

(After the movie ends via text...)
Rubberee: WTF?! That was the dumbest movie I've ever seen!
Rubberer: hahaha bro you got rubbered.
by DirtyJerry February 23, 2016
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hey kid go get the rubbers in gonna tap this ass!
by Zach April 9, 2004
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