r!p#6666 is the realest rich nigga on discord.com
I want to become just like r!p#6666!
by r!p#6666 July 25, 2022
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It’s supposed to mean: Rest In Peace, but most people just say it when you have a double period of English so you know you won’t die all sad.
Person 1: I have a double period of English!
Person 2: R I P
Person 1: Fuck my life
by Americanhzudnn December 14, 2019
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Newspaper report on the front cover of the New York Times dated 19th January 2020 - Oh no, not another 4 years. After the previous 4 years every editor of every major American newspaper is sick and tired of having a picture of Donald Trump as their cover story - r,i,p.
by Jewish madam December 27, 2018
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A retroactively amended purchase experience is when a company changes the terms of the sale, after the sale. Companies can do this nowadays because most of us use cloud software, otherwise known as SaaS, Software as a Service. Since we have to connect to someone else's computer to USE our software, they have the ability to deny us access to this software without accepting new terms, that they can change on us at any given time. Since consumer protection in the United States is a joke, they face no consequences for doing so.

An example of this can be found with Adobe when they changed the terms of the sale to include terms allowing them to look through your content.

Or when Adobe took software you paid for, and disallowed you from activating it. perpetual licenses are not perpetual licenses as long as you must connect to someone else's computer to use what you paid for.
I really liked my $400 baby monitor, but now I have to pay extra for features it came with because the company did a R(etroactively) A(mended) P(urchase) E(xperience). I feel RAPEd!
by Louis Rossmann August 20, 2024
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A retroactively amended purchase experience is when a company changes the terms of the sale, after the sale. Companies can do this nowadays because most of us use cloud software, otherwise known as SaaS, Software as a Service. Since we have to connect to someone else's computer to USE our software, they have the ability to deny us access to this software without accepting new terms, that they can change on us at any given time. Since consumer protection in the United States is a joke, they face no consequences for doing so.

An example of this can be found with Adobe, when they changed the terms of the sale to include terms allowing them to look through your content.

Or when Adobe took software you paid for, and disallowed you from activating it, perpetual licenses are not perpetual licenses as long as you must connect to someone else's computer to use what you paid for.
I really liked my $400 baby monitor, but now I have to pay extra for features it came with because the company did a R(etroactively) A(mended) P(urchase) E(xperience)
by Louis Rossmann August 20, 2024
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The greatest rapper to have ever lived. Though believed to be deceased, rumors of a new “revival” project have begun to surface.
Aye bruh, you ever listen to “Fuck a Feel” by Lil R!p? Shit SLAPSSSSS!!! 🔥🔥🔥
by Big Bungus November 29, 2018
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