Spanish for fuckin, to 'enhance' adjective, not sex
Parate, pinche idiota!
(shut up, fuckin idiot!)
by LoLo November 24, 2004
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Grabbing chewing tabacco with your thumb and index finger and putting it in your mouth.
by Anonymous May 2, 2003
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The act of prolonging a bowell movement by flexing the sphincter muscle. Sometimes the pinch is not administered in time which leads to a head of feces protruding resembling a turltes head; making an unpleasant mark in the undergarments and resulting in a foul odor.
I had to leave the party because of a bad pinch.
by JAZ October 14, 2004
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the catchphrase of Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto), a bishie who wants to lead the fabulous school life and to sing out his youth, but instead he ends up fighting huge mecha's to save the world. Though he often uses 'pinch', he also said 'it's a punch', 'it's a wonder' and 'it's a sundae' so far.
Person 1: "Oh God, this math homework... it's a PINCH~!"
Person 2: "I know right, it's a WONDER how I'll get that all done for tomorrow."
Person 3: "And- wait, I can't relate this to a sundae."
by Ivrogne April 16, 2011
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adj: fuck in Spanish (not sex, see: Coger, Chingar)
no mames wey! Te vas a caer pinche borracho!

Stop screwing around! You're going to fall, fucking drunk!
by El Caguamero March 18, 2004
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