A particularly raging penile erection that you feel will not subside of its own accord, but rather requires ejaculation in order to deflate. A one-way erection has path-dependance unlike a typical erection.
Hey baby, this is a one-way erection. You'd better sort that out because I don't want to end up with blue balls.
by HirdysPregnantNanny June 26, 2017
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A badass nickname American sailors used to refer to the Japanese "Kamikaze" ("divine wind") pilots or aircraft during the last-ditch days of Imperial Japan in the Pacific theatre of World War 2 when Kamikaze attacks were at their peak. I was watching a documentary just now and an old American veteran was talking and off-handedly used this expression. I'm surprised it's not on Urban Dictionary yet because it is awesome and should probably be somebody's band's name by now or something.
"Shit, Jimmy, Move that gun we got a one-way charlie inbound on the port side!"
by Somehistorynerd February 20, 2014
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A friendship thats only true to half the people involved.
Josh thought Craig was really friends with him, but realized it was a one-way friendship after Craig threw him in the trash can.
by Sue Doe Nymm February 19, 2009
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Someone who acts in a way that only benefits themselves.
"You didn't grab me a drink on your round? man you a one way motherfucker"
by Jibroni69 February 12, 2016
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The art of getting your photo taken with a non-willing participant, usually a member of the opposite sex or a celebrity that is far too busy to be posing with people like YOU.
Big Gay AL-"Hey look, there's David Beckham trying not to get noticed"
Chris-"Go and pester him for an autograph"
Big Gay Al-"He won't be up for that"
Chris-"Well go and stand next to him for a swift One Way Photo, you can be out of his way before he even knows you're there"
by Chris VG June 4, 2007
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When a person wants to receive sexual favours from somebody of the same sex but doesn't want to reciprocate
by Oneway July 6, 2015
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A shortened version of the phrase "one-way ticket to Did-I-Ask-Ville" used mainly in text to communicate that you don't care.
A: "guys I learned this new song on the ukelele!"
B: "one-way ticket"
A: "???"
B: "...to did-i-ask-ville"
by pillbug science March 17, 2021
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