When a girl is taking a shower, you sneak in the room, turn off the lights, then bang her and leave before she figures out who did it; rape with no chance of being caught.
Cody Black-moccasinned Ms. Nguyen yesterday.
by Bader4Lyfe May 7, 2009
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I hate them fuckin' moccasin faces, with their bannock and their Listerine.
by /b/rotha June 12, 2007
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An extremely hot shit taken after eating the spiciest of Kung Pow dishes at your local Chinese restaurant. Loaded with peanuts and leaves you feeling like you shit out a curling iron.
Hey Mr. Wong your Kung Pow Chicken always make me have to shit right away but I'm going to hold this one because I know it's a Copperheaded Peanut Moccasin.
by swanballs August 30, 2010
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A large, particularly ill tempered snake which resides within the state Texas, and parts of Louisiana. Although its existence has never been confirmed, many reports of vicious attacks have come in from drunken fishermen all over the state. They are said to have vivid color patterns and are accompanied by a peculiar odor. They are especially prone to attacking liberals.
What is that over there in the bushes? Holy shit! that's a cottonback rattle moccasin!! Get the hell away from it man, you're a registered democrat!
by texasmustang67 September 2, 2010
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One of the worst things you can say to someone, especially if you are losing an arguement. Once used, the victim(s) involved will instantly have their license to live revoked.
Quinn: Your mom gay

Brad: Your dad lesbian
Kevin: Your brother a mother
Yanni: Your sister a mister
Colin: Your granny a tranny
Earl: Your grandpap a trap
Devin: Your niece obese
Sal: Your cousin a water moccasin

*All but Sal's existence instantly get wiped out*
by crazysubaruL3GACYej20 February 16, 2023
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Another word for a bare skin condom, or a natural skin condom
My girlfriend hates the feel of latex condoms so I use my cock moccasin's for a more natural feel.
by angelphish October 28, 2020
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When, as a prank, someones shoes are pooped in, thereby causing them to step in said poo when the shoes are put on. Typically done in the north country of Minnesota during a camping trip when said persons shoes happen to be moccasins left outside their tent overnight.
John was displeased when he realized that warm squishy sensation between his toes were in fact a fresh pair of minnesota moccasins.
by poopiedoopie56 October 17, 2011
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