Wrestler that is coated with lube so that he can easily slip past his opponents. He has never lost a match... ever.
"Did you see the Lubricator fight last night"
"Yeah, he fucked him up the ass"
by guardiandoctrine April 17, 2010
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Johnny, I think I needs me some lubrication from the packy.
by roger the fabricator February 20, 2004
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1.The act of consuming alcohol in order to prepare oneself for interaction with other humans, especially in unfamiliar situations.

2. An excuse.
I can't get to the party untill I get a little social lubrication.
by FluffyMcMansack April 3, 2010
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Dry sawdust that is thrown into the vagina to assist with penetration.
Man: This girl was so wet that I had to use my patented sawdust lubricant before I could fuck her.
by Squeeze808 October 19, 2011
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When you get Strawberry Jam and smear it all over yourself and use it as lube.
"Sam Tekin uses Lubricant Jam when pleasing himself"

"Lubricant Jam is the best lube ever!"
by A mysterious Wymondham citizen October 27, 2013
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liquor of any form that induces intoxication and social lubrication (i.e., outgoing and gregarious behavior)
I gotta hit the social lubricant before kickin' it at the club.
by dbuny August 28, 2006
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