When you text your posse and someone doesn't reply for an absurdly long time even though they've read and reread your text multiple times.
"You guys wanna go get tacos & hit up the titty bars?"
8 hrs later... "nah dawg I'm about to poop imma catch you tomorrow"
You just got harped!
by Bubbasenny January 27, 2017
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Acronym for Holy Awesome Righteous Penis Syndrome, in other words a completely mind blowing package, a male member that is ballin outta control, junk that wont stop pleasuring, a dynamic dick, an epic cock, a hella bomb wang, an unstoppable bulge held back only by medically prescribed boxers, a schlong of unmeasured proportions, a simple look at a HARPS penis will send a woman rolling in ecstasy. This syndrome is difficult to live with due to the common mistake of hearing "herps" instead of "HARPS" in loud surroundings and keeping girls conscious after taking your pants off
Last night Luke got pantsed at the pool, unfortunately no one knew he had HARPS and now Tammy is in an orgasmic comma
by SpreadHARPSnotHerps July 25, 2011
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(v) When a man or woman, usually a "player", goes after, or trys to have sexual intercourse with a large women or man only for pleasure.

(Orriginated from the word harpoon)
Harpoon- a spear for catching large fish or whales, to bring them in.
"Major haul!" Jamal yelled as he walked into the club. He was going Harping tonight.
by Emofish December 22, 2009
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A large wood instrument shaped something like a tilted heart. Usually spanning between 5-6 feet tall, these large instruments are commonly made of ebony, walnut, mahogany, or "natural" wood. Expensive harps may include gold or bronze detailing.

The strings are made of wire (base strings), sheep gut (middle strings), and nylon (high strings). The strings are plucked in order to provide the best quality sound.
There are two different kinds of harp: the levee harp and the pedal harp. The pedal harp has seven pedals to change tunes from neutral, flat, or sharp, while the lever harp only goes from neutral to sharp, unless tuned otherwise.

The harp is commonly mistaken for the lyre.
Honey, I booked a harpist to play at our wedding. I hear the harp is one of the best instruments for when you are walking down the aisle!
by elfqueen February 25, 2015
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Hit And Run Poster - someone who posts the most moronic or untrue things on a comment thread and never comes back to defend his/her comments.
That poster is just a HARP, with no ability to defend his/her positions.
by NCASOCCERGUY January 13, 2016
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