1. A gleeful geek.
2. A word that is best used when said in a goofy manner to express gleefulness, or during awkward situations as to light up the situation. To add extra excitement, it is accompanied by an upward head movement and a grin.
1. As Ryan made me belly laugh about stupid things during class, I said, "We're such gleeks."
2. History class was so boring, and me and Ryan had nothing to talk about so instead he said out of the blue, "Gleek!"
by Emerz August 19, 2007
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1. i geek+loser combo
2. a slut, skank, whore, etc.
1. look at that gleek
2. that girl is expressing some gleek like qualities.
by ais May 17, 2007
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Actually, you all, it is a saliva-type discharge from the vagina.
Oi! You gleeked in my eye, Betty!
by Sky January 20, 2005
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geek and/or looser referring to someone who is gay, wierd, kinda bonkey or binky and has no "hot" physical qualities.
TOM! you are such a gleek all you do is sit at the computer and play solitare!
by sarah FOSSSS May 17, 2007
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to spit a liquid of any kind (except your own saliva)through a gap in your two front teeth
Dude! You totally just gleeked your water on me!
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To accidentally slightly poop your pants when you thought you were just farting. Usually happens when someone has diarrhea.
"I thought I had this huge fart I needed to get out, but then I gleeked my pants!"
by Jadem August 24, 2005
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That long stream of spit that sprays out from under your tongue.
I have a gleeking problem! I didn't mean to but I was talking to him and I totally gleeked everywhere!
by DestielandPhanforever August 28, 2015
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