Someone who pays for hotel accomodation, but would rather sleep in the carpark facilities than in the bed of the hotel room.
Nicole: how was the hotel room Blackie??
Blackie: I didn't even make it up to my room, I just woke up in the carpark.
Nicole: Your a Dumbshit lol
Blackie: I didn't even make it up to my room, I just woke up in the carpark.
Nicole: Your a Dumbshit lol
by suchab3autifulm3ss February 11, 2017
Someone of astounding ignorance who is apparently unable to read the worldwide research on climate change.
It suddenly hit me that Fox News doesn’t cover environmental issues and so the climate dumbshit just remains in the dark.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 22, 2019
I’m a dumbshit scientist
by Your dad that you never knew August 18, 2019
A dumbshit asshat is so fucking dumb and selfish, and is constantly a dick.
Literally dumbshit and asshat combined.
Literally dumbshit and asshat combined.
Person 1 : "Dude, did you hear about that dumbshit asshat Austin Meldeau?
Person 2 : "Yeah, he wrote himself a definition on Urban Dictionary."
Person 2 : "Yeah, he wrote himself a definition on Urban Dictionary."
by drywittygal February 25, 2018
When someone uses exclaimation points after every sentence in their writing, usually someone too dumb to know how to use proper punctuation
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011