a gangsta-ass slang name for a dick, usually used by real straight up nigs.
This term was originally coined by a couple of dumbass university kids from Victoria in 2010
stu: yo I heard alex sucked a couple black dacks last night bra
tim: Ya, it's a way of life
by thetraut December 4, 2010
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To remove another's Dacks by force and without their expressed permission, usually bringing about shame, social awkwardness, and a sudden coldness in the underpants department.

(Aussie Slang)
Barry had to live the next three years of his school life with the memory of having been dacked on the one day that he decided to come to school without any underpants on.
by Flavouful Syntax November 12, 2004
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Dack is the word Dick with an A. It is used in Schools as a replacement for Dick but has became it's own word. It comes from Britain originally. It is used to describe a stupid person or when someone does something stupid.
"Oh my god, you spilt the paint. You dack!"
"You stupid dack"
by ElmoBrackin November 17, 2009
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The portion of skin where a males penis (dick) meets his scrotum (sack). Dick + Sack = Dack
by mattnarc June 23, 2011
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The offspring of "Dam" and "Fuck", and also a short form for Dacoit - a thug from India. The great thing about this word is that you can say it in front of your parents or little kids, cuz what do they know? It's just "Dack". Yet it provides the phonetic and guttural satisfaction of using the F-bomb or saying Dam - two longstanding pillars of profanity.
You're a dack - that's all I gotta say.

What the dack are doing?

Holy dackinawe...
by GTA Dacoit April 15, 2010
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The act of putting an object in ones underwear to conseal it.
<Hey man the Police are over there, DACK IT!!!!>
<Jonny saw the Police come so he DACKED it>
by Freddy. G. October 10, 2009
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