Guy: "what are we gonna use to break this thing with?"

Snoop Doggy Dogg: Let's use da Chizzle Dizzle!
by Hank Mcdizzlesom August 6, 2008
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An ancient form of sculpting ones body to achieve an unfathomable amount of brawn through sexually astonishing muscle definition.
Dan: Hey Tristan lets have a chizzle sesh.
Tristan: I'm down, shall we be in the nude?
Dan: shoore shoore
by Tristan and Dan April 27, 2007
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Having been railed out by Big F'in Chizzles.
Dude, did you see her sneak out this morning, she was walking like she'd been chizzled rough last night...
by Big F'in Chizzles. May 26, 2012
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The same as cum, jizz, or man juice
I left chizzle on my buddies sheets after my girlfriend gave me a blowjob.
I chizzled all over my wifes face last night.
by chodanut March 19, 2008
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the worlds biggest pedizzle. Enjoys the company of toddlers. I.e. a peadophile
by the dizzle September 20, 2004
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