An Orwellian organization run by Communist Party USA whose primary goal is creating technology to prevent you from uploading certain copyrighted content to prevent piracy. It often does not recognize fair use due to it being automated, making expression under the First Amendment a hassle. A company that will certainly cause the next civil war over creativity and expression.
A number of websites grossly exploit Audible Magic's technology, including YouTube, Twitch, MySpace, Vimeo, and many others.
by The Real Driller August 22, 2022
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The sounds of nothing. The white noise of our environments. You don't hear it except when you do, when you're aware. But then it all fades into the background the moment you're distracted
"Do you hear that?"
"That tapping noise."
"Ohhh, I hear it now that you've pointed it out."
"That's called sub audible"
by That_one_gal_in_the_corner September 12, 2018
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When you get so hammered that your body shuts down your sense of sight and only uses sound.

**Slogan** "To close for sight, switching to sound"
Andrew: "Ah shit look at Drew and Charlie...are they working that 250 pounder?"

Graham: "Yep, they've Gone Audible"


Mitch: "I'm goin' audible tonight"
by GMac October 3, 2007
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when someone is so constipated to the point of grunting loudly
The guy in the stall next to me had audible constipation!
by Joe Bongusiar October 7, 2010
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1. Accidentally passing gas out loud in front of people.
2. When a dog passes gas out loud.
My dog Elwood was having a dream, and all of the sudden, he called an audible. Boy it stunk.
I was at a party the other night, and I called an audible right in front of a bunch of hot chicks. How embarrassing.
by ritzyrules April 19, 2009
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To "call an audible" is when you are on a date, or trying to pick someone up at a bar and the other party is not interested in you. The uninterested party will then "call an audible" on you by working in an interjection / rejection into their dialog in order to possibly soften the blow of rejection. This will allow them to state their judgement on you, or their actual position without them outright explaining to you that you need to back off.
(after a date, a buddy is talking to his friends and describes a meet up at a bar as follows):

Man 1: I met this girl at the bar, we had a few drinks, had a few laughs and just when I thought things were going well she totally called an audible (call an audible) on me!

Man 2: What?! That is messed up. How'd she do it?

Man 1: We were talking about different beers we liked and she said "Oh yeah my boyfriend and I love Hefeweizen"
by Brett Climan March 21, 2007
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A way of saying ¨Lol¨ or ¨Lmao¨
Bro 1: Dude just fell ¨Audible skull emoji¨
Bro 2: That´s so dumb ¨Audible skull emoji¨
by 6pla6gue6 May 20, 2023
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