an adjective denoting an extremly prolonged period of time, generally spent doing a tedious endavour.
Its going to be a really abby night.
by SKG April 13, 2007
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Gum on the underside of one's show
Shit brah, I got Abby all over my fresh new J's.
by DoctorBurger November 6, 2013
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Where to start? She’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, and I mean that. She’s so funny, so unbelievably smart, so freaking caring and a little too nice. She never fails to make you feel better. She doesn’t even realize how much you need her or how much she means to you and you really wish she did. She deserves nothing but happiness and if I could give her every ounce of mine I would. She’s a total badass, she’s literally so hot. Too bad she doesn’t have the confidence yet to realize it. To any of the Abbi’s reading this, things will get better, you will be happy one day. Whatever you are going through right now just know that you are loved, even if you don’t believe. If it’s any consolation I want you here, I NEED you here, so please stay. I love you.
That girl is an absolute GODDESS, she must be an Abbi. :)
by Yoursillylitlesoulmate November 19, 2020
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A dedicated and pretty girl but when she is bored she searches her name on urban dictionary
Who doesn't love Abbie
by Thisperson98765 June 25, 2014
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