Character Assassination is the act of attempting to influence the portrayal or reputation of a particular person, causing others to develop an extremely negative perception of him/her. By its nature, it involves deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person.

Basically, it is spreading rumours and talking bad about somebody, to make people hate them.
1. I'm just another victim of Character Assassination.

2. The media and politicians are Character Assassins.
by MichaelToTheJ May 14, 2007
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A character who makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. Could remind you of someone who took part in a traumatic event you went through.
Stop sending me photos of Kaede Akamatsu. She's not a character I hate, it's not funny. She's a trigger character who reminds me of someone who emotionally abused me for a year.
by hooni September 21, 2020
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1. Seemingly animate entities
whose apparent life and motion
is derived by flash-card presentation
of a series of still images
drawn or crafted by
an artist or animator.

2.Real-life people whose
actions or expressions are
so caricatured or histrionic
that they seem like TOONS.
1. "That cartoon character smashed
right through a wall and left behind
a silhouette."

2. "Those cartoon characters are
really spouting out their blowholes."
by skipix November 29, 2006
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A temporary deviation from one's personality.
Despite Don's well known hostility toward Michelle, he made a character break, by hugging her upon learning of her parents' car accident.
by Mick the Dick October 10, 2011
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A job at Disney where you make sure the characters stay alive. They are in charge of maintaining their line by yelling at everyone to have out their autograph books and photopass cards, only for the guest to get to the character and not be prepared at all. They describe what the character is animating and say things like "Yes! You are on their shirt!" And "Wow it is their birthday!" 100 times a day. They move the guests bags, because of course they put them in the wrong spot, then get phones shoved in their faces with out ever hearing the words, "Will you please take a photo for me?" and still take the photo. They also make sure said character gets off on time which leads to them timing the line, closing the line on time, and most importantly, ruining thousands of vacations.
by Vacationruiner June 20, 2017
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Canada(or Matthew Williams) is a character from Axis Powers: Hetalia.

He is usually known as "the forgotten one", and everyone mistakes him for his "older brother" America(Alfred F. Jones).

Some people don't even notice his all...

He's also really quiet. When he talks it seems like he's whispering, while his "older brother" America sounds like he's yelling all the time while he's talking.

He's also included a lot in pairings such as FranceXCanada,

AmericaXCanada, CubaXCanada, UkraineXCanada...etc...
Arthur Kirkland(Britain/England/UK): "Hey, America!"

Matthew Williams(Canada): "I'm not America, I'm Canada! Please get it right."

Arthur Kirkland(Britain/England/UK): "Oh, sorry Canada..."

Francis Bonnefoy(France): "It's Canada, duh... Can't you reconise him from his sexy 'air?"

And that's Canada(Character).
by Final Fantasy DUNDUNDUN September 10, 2011
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