1. Being on the edge of something; knowing that what happens next will make or break you.
With his reputation in the hands of others he was one step short of falling.
by Lazydude3 October 1, 2008
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One-Step, Two-Step, Hit By A Train

A : "I can't get the moves in this new dance !"
B : "All you have to do is think one-step, then two-step, then act as if you've been hit by a train !"
A : "I 've got it now !"
by HudsonDuster December 28, 2010
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It is a popular lyric to a song, but sometime used i phrases or as comparisons to things. it's basically taking one step back. and it means, making progress towards something but making less progress rather than more, if that makes sense.
"one step forward < two steps back"
I was trying to finish my math homework, and i did the beginning, but going to that party before finishing was one step forward and two steps back.
by GeeJayy February 23, 2010
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A famous quote said by Neil Armstrong when he set foot on the moon
During his flight to the moon in an Apollo 11 rocket, Neil Armstrong stated, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
by bluestinger66 March 21, 2023
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Do the Mario!
Swing your arms, from side to side
Come on! Its time to go do the Mario!
Take one step and then again
Lets do the Mario! All together now!
You got it!
Its the Mario!
Do the Mario!
Swing your arms, from side to side
Come on! Its time to go do the Mario!
Take one step, and then again
Lets do the Mario! All together now!
Come on now!
Just like that
by guy on urbandictionary October 11, 2022
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emergency contraception you take within 72 hours after unprotected sex.
And when you do, there’s Plan B One-Step—the #1 OB/GYN recommended emergency contraception brand.
by SPrice1980 May 24, 2023
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