Skrillex is part of a wave of American producers coming into dubstep from other genres. More often than not, these beatmakers make a violent racket characterized by overwhelming midrange "wobble" basslines, and have a general obsession with gore, macabre and the almighty "filth." It's "mosh" music as opposed to dance music.

He lends his music miles away from the garage and dub-inspired scenes in the UK.

His sound is overbearingly plain and simple. While he has a firm grasp on melody that eludes many of his peers, they're usually coated in headache-inducing layers of abrasive muck. The trancey hook of Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites' title track is equal to nails on a chalkboard, and the less said about its onomatopoeic bass growls the better.
My friend totally agrees that Skrillex sounds like a cat getting fucked up the arse with a jackhammer.
by Dexcell October 9, 2011
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a series of random noises encouraged by dubstep lovers
by KMKurbstomp July 16, 2011
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When at a music festival, one band overpowers another band from another stage.

Originating from Gillian Welch's performance at Austin City Limits Music Festival where Skrillex was playing at a nearby stage and overpowered her acoustic folk with bass-heavy dubstep
"I'm glad you can hear me, I can't hear shit up here! We just got skrillexed"
by lild00t July 23, 2012
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Holy dude, this morning my asshole brother put his phone right beside my ear and blasted Skrillex
by KB2000 October 31, 2018
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1. The artist that creates sounds in a genre that a majority of America's pop-cultural population is starting to listen to.

2. The artist that people with no live's, who sit around in their mother's basements, have listened to for several years.

2. Bobbie: I've heard it atleast 50 times on Pandora while playing World of Warcraft Tom... 'Mora' has been around for a while... welcome to yesteryear...
by Sellious November 5, 2011
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Synonymous with various curse words as well as Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, and LMFAO
Dude, I gotta go take a skrillex.

Godskrillexit, this skrillexing sucks!
by Pdub hatez Skrillex October 25, 2011
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1. To dominate Beatport Top 10 Charts with your own tracks (8/10 tracks minimum)

2. The ability to make your own synthesizers sound like heavy-ass machinery and/or transformers having anal sex.
Deadmau5 is skrillexing!
What the fuck. Are you serious?

That synth sounds like shit.
Wait, i'll skrillex it.
by davver January 25, 2011
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