To try to flirt with a female. To Put the bounce on someone can be to both sides of gender, it also means to finger someones arse so hard it bleeds continuously.Mainly used in Lurgan, co. Armagh
John:Did you put the bounce on her last night ??
Paul: yeah she bled all over my good jacket and my mum slapped me hard for having fanny blood all over me

Amanda:He put the bounce on me last night and now i have trouble walking
by Shaemy June 22, 2008
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Putting the whole team on her describes sharing pussy with the whole squad, cause sharing is caring.
“Hey did you bag Sarah last night” “yea I smashed and put the team on her”
by Long john t-bag January 27, 2019
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To declare that you would gladly participate in sexual relations with a woman.
To say that you find a woman attractive.
Hey have you seen that girl dancing over there?
Yeah man, I'd put a wig on her.
I'd put a wig on her all night long.
by Rusty86 May 26, 2009
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Put him/her on ice- Leaving them out in the cold/hanging because they acted up in some way. You are basically ignoring them and making them question their existence.
I had to put him/her on ice after he/she didn't call me back.

ice freeze ignore forget
by CYM February 20, 2014
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A phrase used to describe an insanely hot person. Etymological history comes from the following exchange: If a person is incredibly good looking, they are "mind boggling". If the person is "mind boggling", then by seeing her your "head is boggled". If your "head is boggled", then you are essentially a "bobble head". If you are a "bobble head", the person of affection can then "put you on her dash" for decoration.
Person 1: Dude, did you see that girl?
Person 2: Yeah she was so hot!
Person 1: No doubt! She put me on her dash...
by Youthful_Wisdom June 7, 2005
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