when a girl expels blood from her cooter(usually during the menstal cycle) while a guy is eating her out.
Holy Shit Dan, can you beleive that whore cherry pepto'd Danny while he was eating her out?
by mjhootie January 31, 2007
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A (normally fat) girl who wears too much pink, making her look like a bottle of pepto bismol.
"Eew! Is that girl wearing a pink track suit? She looks like pepto bismol!"
by 11:43 May 12, 2005
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When you have all five symptoms that Pepto Bismol can cure (nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomache, diarrhea)
John: What's wrong with you?
Dave: I got a Pepto Bingo from eating too much Taco Bell
by Fallopius May 2, 2009
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When your vomiting up blood and having explosive dihheria count on pepto bismol!!!
Pepto-bismol lady: *Shoves a cork up little johnny's butt and force feeds him pepto-bismol*

Today Johnny has frequent hemheroids and suffers from bulmirexa. John has acid reflux disorder. Yet John refuses to die, and the docter anal probed him.
by Turd August 25, 2004
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When you wake up puking and shitting your brains out, you drop a shot of pepto in a red bull and gun it to make a quick recovery.
Yo OD, I got so fucked up last night i think i ate some bad street meat late night. i havent left the shitter in an hour and my legs are numb. I need to rip a pepto bomb and get the fuck to work.
by shooooteh January 9, 2009
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A mixed drink which consists of dropping a shot of tequila into a glass of Pepto-Bismol. Typically consumed the morning after to help treat hangovers.
Manny: "Hey Vince, you hit it pretty hard last night. Do you want a Pepto Bomber?"

Vince: "Yeah, better make it two."
by Boozy Springer April 16, 2008
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A phrase used toward couples who are being very loving to one another, usually those who are dating, engaged, or have been recently married.

This phrase insinuates that the lovers' mushy talk will cause the person listing to vomit, therefore needing Pepto Bismol.

Rarely said to couples who have been together for long periods of time due to lack of needing to.
Lover 1: I love you darling.
Lover 2: I love you too dearest.
Lover 1: But I love you more sweetie pie.
Lover 2: Oh no. I love YOU more love muffin!
Person listening: Pepto please!
by PinkOrchid January 5, 2011
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