The typa nigga to try and fuck your asshole without consent in an alley in Tabriz, Iran
Me: Hey that dude in the alley is eyeing me real good
My friend: Yea man he looks like a real Parsa
by KhandabarIndia November 6, 2019
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A parsa is the type of guy you will see wandering around MR BIG cloths. He weights over 600kg making him morbidly obease. He is persian and speaks to fast to be fully understood. Don't trust parsa's. They live in terrible slums with no hygiene and a terrible smell.
There's a morbidly obease man over there, he must be a parsa.
by birdyaa January 4, 2020
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Troubled man who has tried to fix his problems with his own ideology to succeed in life
Dude, he was going through a rough time but that Parsa created a new way to cope with everything: A better way.
by xsoccerxxx October 19, 2010
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the coolest nigga you will every meet, if Parsa is going to a party just know its gonna be fun, Parsa's are not the best looking but the freshest out of the pack. If they have a girlfriend they will treat the like no other.
That nigga hella funny he reminds of Parsa.
by offdacharts123 October 3, 2018
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Super virgin, never seen or will see a women. Usually don't have dicks or if they do it's less than 2 cm. Will reach nothing in life and mostly look like triangle Doritos.
Oh look that's a Parsa

You are such a parsa
by random mf with a huge dick November 22, 2021
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A man in the persian culture who is notoriously known for being a taxi driver for many friends.

Parsas' drive all friends around.
Hey, I got parsa to drive us to the movies! Lehgooooo!
by Elahi July 3, 2011
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the coolest girl ever, with booty too.
Damn, that chick was parsa!
by Mike June 26, 2004
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