When a person falls to the floor and slips into an un-controllable, OTT, attention seeking fit to gain sympathy. A panic attack will normally happen over something very small and the intention is to blow it out of all proportion.

Symptoms include eyes-widening, writhing, breaking surrounding objects, hyper ventilating and screaming.
"Oh my god she's having a panic attack!"

"Help me! I thought they were going to hurt me! They were going to throw me in a pool"

"Oh thats a shame. I thought it was something exciting."
by A Rubber Ninja September 25, 2011
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The moment that deep virgins feel like their heart has increased its speed and you are unable to properly speak words and are incredibly flustered from seeing something that they are attracted to start hitting on them or flirting with them or approaching them.
Friend 1: Why is he acting like that over his crush flirting with him.
Friend 2: He's having a Virgin panic attack.
by Pantonic March 25, 2021
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An overwhelming sensation of feelings for fictional character of the same sex to the point of anxiety and panic ensues
Friend: Dude what were doing

You: I had a gay panic attack over *insert character*
by Kim Kam January 20, 2019
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The sudden dread you feel from looking for something vital in your pockets and not finding it until the very last pocket.
"Where is my wallet? No, no, NO, oh shoot there it is. I just gave myself a three pocket panic attack."
by BlueAx July 5, 2012
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A feeling you get during a Fortnite solo match, when it's come down to the top 2 players: you, and your opponent. While searching for or fighting your opponent, your hands begin to shake, your heart starts to beat faster, and possibly breathe heavily. Usually, you shouldn't panic during a 1v1, but it gets to you easily. Once you get that feeling, the only way to stop the attack is to finish the game, either you fire your shots accurately, or you take the L like a man.
No matter what, everytime I'm in a top 2 situation, I have a 1v1 Panic Attack.
by SuperDiamond03 October 25, 2018
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