Someone who brings out the best in you. That one person you cant wait to talk to. The one you always go to when times are good as well as bad. Your safe place.
You're my yellow, freak :)
by Pup :3 November 8, 2021
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a yellow is someone/people who saved you , the reason for your happiness. your safe place , people who you love unconditionally.
“theyre are my yellows”
what’s that?”
“they saved me”
by allthelove December 28, 2021
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Can be a significant other, or a friend, a family member, an animal, or even more than one, anything you really want it to be. Your yellow is someone you cherish and want to keep in your life forever, someone who has seen you at your worst and helped you get back to your best, someone who hasn’t left your side no matter what, someone whos you want to make endless memories with. Your lucky if you have a yellow, and even luckier if you have more than one.

hold on to them

keep them close , wether they are a friend, a lover, an animal, or a family member
Yea she’s my yellow she’s been here for all my low time and hasn’t left my side
by lexiaaaa November 16, 2020
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Your yellow is unlike any other. This person is not only your backbone, but your happiness, your purpose, and your forever. He/she is someone who means the world to you and brings so much happiness into your life. Your yellow has seen you at your worst and still chooses to love every single flaw. You cannot live without this person. Your yellow defined what love truly is. You may have thought you’ve fell in love before, but it wasn’t a love like the one you receive from your yellow. The love you feel from your yellow is unexplainable, one of a kind, and is a new experience. You will never feel a feeling like that with anyone else. Once you feel it, you will know they are your yellow. You will connect on every single level you never thought you could. Conversations never get boring and you never have to second guess the way they feel about you. Finding your yellow can be difficult, but once you do, hold on tight because this is your person, your future, your forever, your happy ending. Do everything in your power to keep this person, you’ll never find anyone else like them.
The person who gives me purpose, happiness, and endless love is my yellow.
by user2014 January 5, 2021
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yellow is the person that makes you happy when y’all are around each other ; y’all cherish every moment y’all have with each other ; the person you thought you never needed ... i love you yellow <3
i love my best friend she’s like my yellow
“ my yellow is jesus , he’s always here for me”
by adriann.a November 4, 2020
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a yellow is a person that has been by your side from day 1, leaves a smile on your face, and most importantly, someone that you love so much.
"addison rae is my yellow"
by myaddisonbae November 28, 2020
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yellow is a person who helps you and is there for you when you need them. a person who saved your life and is the reason of your happiness.
he/she/they are my yellow, he/she/they saved my life
by me so cool ✋🏻 December 31, 2021
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