The greatest band in existence. Anyone who disagrees with this statement while not referring to the entity of a Muse fails at life.
If Muse were to be combined into a single, breathing entity, it would likely be Chuck Norris with an electric triangle.
by PossumCuber September 26, 2009
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1. To be perusing your mind -- as in searching for thoughts. Mind-perusing. Mirusing. Musing.

2. The act of listening to music by the band Muse.
Hey window-buddy, do you like this music I'm jamming out to right now? I'm totally musing it up.
by woozzi February 9, 2012
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Best band EVER from the good old Albion. 'Mazing live. Ultimate legend icons. Also very good on the eyes.
Char: What are you listening to, Al?
Al: Muse!!
Char: Ahhhh the most generation-defining rock act the world has ever seen
Al: Yup.
by Al & Char August 17, 2005
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Firstly we must note, of course, that Matt Bellamy has the most amazing chin in the history of man.
never before has the mainstream music industry been able to revel in the sight of such a wonderous buttchin.
Muse are amazing as they follow the exact criterea for the most awsome rock band in the world:

Singer/guiatrist who distorts his guitar and sings in such an amazing manner that you think you are being blown out of the sky by an alien on acid?
Ridiculously amazing drummer wearing jeans in all the colorus of the rainbow?
Bassist with rock star swagger and awsome facial hair?

They also seem to have scarily obssesive fans.

For the record, they do NOT sound like radiohead.
At a muse gig:
Heckler: Play Paranoid Android!!
by mayarrr February 19, 2008
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The only band composed with Matt Bellamy's amazing high voice that will make a girl orgasm.
listen to "Micro Cuts" by MUSE and its all over.
by talkradioo March 15, 2009
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Muse is an excellent 3-piece British band, which comprises of Matthew Bellamy (Guitar, Vocals, Piano), Chris Wolstenholme (Bass, Backing Vocals) and Dominic Howard (Drums, Various Percussion).

Many describe Muse's music as Alternative or Progressive-Rock. It can be delicate or heavy, and caters for all emotions.

Muse released their first album, Showbiz, in 1999, and went on to release Origins of Symettery in 2001 and then Absolution in 2004. They have also made a live album, Hullabaloo, which is avaliable on CD and DVD.

Muse, unlike many bands of today, play their own instruments, write their own songs and perform live.

In other words, Muse is the Greatest band in the world.
Person 1: What is that nifty music you are listening to?
Person 2: Why, it's Muse!
by Kevin McCheese October 27, 2005
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A great band with an extremely unique sound. A Muse song will rarely be confused with another band's song.
They have many different styles, some songs are softer while some get quite heavy.
I've heard from various people that they're very good live, too.
Muse are very awesome. (:
by I'mAnonymous March 25, 2008
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