Keren is a beautiful and the most largest city in Eritrea.
Keren is known for its beautiful 3 tribes Bilen, Tigre, Tigrinya, people.
by Henok teafay March 16, 2022
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This shirt is so keren, man!
by Rifqi November 23, 2021
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Keren is the type of person who is very tall she is very funny and loves playing football she listens to lost boy all day long as it’s her fav song Keren is a very funny person. Keren loves shouting things out of windows
Omg who is that person blasting lost boy

That must be Keren
by Ocean tears November 24, 2022
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Kerens High School were nic feins roam and future crack heads attend.Kerens High School sports never disappoints the other team fans.Better watch out for them horny juniors
Kerens High School were no one learns anything!
by That1DudeFromDaTree October 15, 2021
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