A bonafide pedophile. He is a suave douche bag with only enough. (He often refers to himself as "Mason" or "Deathstone" even though his friends resort to "loser" at all times. He most likely went to a school with the initials "F,D, and R".
If you see a 'Hiram Chen' do NOT approach, please call the nearest police station.
Man, i totally saw a Hiram Chen on facebook eating chinese food.
by Mr.McBean June 4, 2014
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A place where one goes to get anal or vaginal penetration in a non consensual manner. One can expect violent as well as extreme anal hemorrhaging, as well as vaginal blisters(for men it is within the urethra)or most it is a place one would usually associate with discomfort and distress/displeasure, but for a handful it is the place of hopes and dreams.
Hayden Tsoi: wanna come down to my crib, the Hayden Park Hiram
My nigga Rocky: nah my nigga I'm good
Hayden Tsoi: are you sure? I'm sure you will have a good time
My nigga Rocky: nah nigga thats the place where people go to get that next cock and ball torture n shit
by Swichtwarrior May 21, 2019
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A well known couple! They honestly look so cute together! Everyone knows them, everyone loves them! Steal Hiram from JJ, and you're dead! JJ gets defensive when someone talks bad about Hiram. If anyone says Hirams name, JJ blushes from all the love.
Me: Aww Hiram and JJ look so cute together!
Friend: They do!
Me: We all need a relationship like Hiram and JJ's!
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A person who is toxic or negatively affects the lives of those around them
โ€œDid you hear james made rebecca cryโ€
โ€œYes he is such a hiramโ€
by Crisandindeya October 11, 2018
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The biggest jerk in the world. Dumped BFF over text.Stupidly Tall. Is a drunk tree. Doesn't care about ones feelings. Is High On Rum.
Hiram is such a dick.
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