A dick way of saying "get the fuck out of here" if you are hanging out at someone's house.
"Well, there's really nothing left we can do, you can go now, if you want."

"Wow... Such a dick."
by thefamilyk October 4, 2009
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What you say to someone if you want them to stop talking. It doesn't make any sense, it is constructed of sailing terms, and it sounds offensive so it will keep em confused for a good minute. Especially useful on facebook, if you know what i mean.
Nick: "Gotta go to mo's"
Rob: "What are you talking about"
Nick; "Its the theme song from Modell's sporting goods, don't you love it?"
Rob: "Go capsize yourself you turtle face."
by WobbyK November 4, 2009
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Is an utmost blatant curse word (derived from Paris Hilton according to Kuya Jobert) that demoralizes someone like a douchebag at your workplace who opposes your suggestions or ideas.

Having a strong Filipino accent will surely vanish your opponent in just a blink of an eye, Use it wisely.
person 1: I don't like the suggestion of going to Paris the next day after work...
you: Oh is that so? PAKYU GO TO YOU! Continental Pakyu! Pukeney-nginey-mo! MHM Vagina Flaws!
by Hardcore Jobert Fan August 8, 2021
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I'm going to defeat you with the utmost originality and perfection.
Jon: Ramble Ramble Ramble, screw you guys, I'm going home.
Tal: Jon, I'm going to phalanx you Macedonian style.
Teacher: I'm not sure whether to send you to the principles office or give you commendation.
by TDMORGAN October 22, 2015
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an astonishing curse word to say when a douchebag in your meeting is oppose of your suggestions or ideas
person: i dont like the idea of going to Paris Hilton's residency.
you: oh really? pakyu go to you! continental pakyu! pukiney-nginey-mow! mhm vagina flaws!
by Hardcore Jobert Fan August 6, 2021
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A saying utilizing the aged myth that young boys will go blind if they masturbate too frequently.

This myth was created simply to discourage such behavior in adolescent children.
Guy 1: "I swear, that porn video is so hot I've beat the meat to it at least five times today."

Guy 2: "You know you'll go blind if you keep playing with those."
by daggit June 30, 2011
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