When you have a shit whilst driving and crash your car. Sometime death can occur.
I squeezed out a turd and crashed into a lamp post the other day. It was a right gastric motor accident.
by MrJester February 4, 2006
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(n.) slang of 'gastric bypass surgery' all too commonly seen now in today's headlines. Al Roker of the Today Show and former Arkansas governor and devoutly religious nut Mike Huckabee both had surgery to remove a section of their stomachs and staple the rest shut.

For people who want their quick fix without actually earning the body they want to live in for the rest of their lives.
Huckabee can walk upright again now thanks to his gastric fat-ass surgery back around 2000.

I couldn't even tell Roker had gastric fat-ass surgery, I never saw him before.

I may be overweight but there's non way i'd consider gastric fat-ass surgery, I'll work it off the old-fashioned way.
by phillydrifter March 26, 2011
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when you get really mad at a fat ass person because all they do is annoy the hell out of you
by Jon Johnson March 20, 2004
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A revulsion to a particular food or food provider.
Server: You want sour cream on that?

Jim: No! I have a gastric allergy to sour cream.

Ken: I'd love to go to Chipotle's for lunch today, how about you?
Sam: Not today. I've got a gastric allergy to Chipotle's right now.
by UR-GODZ August 20, 2015
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This is a term used when describing the necessity to form ones mouth tightly around the anus of another after that person male/female has ate every gas inducing ingredient. When the gas is released it is ingested and must be kept down until it becomes a fart again. This can be repeated as many times as one likes.
Look at the fine ass on that woman! Id sure like to Gastric Gulp on that for awhile!
Oh come on don't be a Gastric Gulping fool
by NeoLux May 6, 2023
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The use of foodstuffs and tasty treats to inspire fatness in an individual or group of people. Common during the holiday season. While related to "diet sabotage," the nuances are slightly different.
-"Someone left an entire loaf of pumpkin bread and a platter of cake pops in the kitchen at work, this gastric terrorism is getting out of hand."

-"I'm gonna leave a chocolate chip brownie on his desk, his weak will won't be able to resist such temptation."
-"You're such a gastric terrorist."
by rud0lph December 20, 2013
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