A kid who grew up in a very country area. One who doesn't have many aspirations except to be beligerantly drunk every night before he goes to bed. Eastons usually swear on their life they they can caress the "baddest" girls in the land, but at the end of the day, usually end up clapping the cheeks of a solid 4.
Easton: "I'm drunk as shhhhiiiiit"
by The Careless Fuck October 9, 2017
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A boy who is a baseball player has good friends and a very good heart. But it sucks because his own name is copyright of a baseball bat
Sup Easton
by Baseballgod72 July 24, 2018
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An asshole that usually bosses his friend around.and one day will fucking die alone
by Eastons May 29, 2020
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Asshole, bitch boy, woman abuser, faggot
All eastons are bitches and most hit woman just saying
by Not a woman abuser January 2, 2020
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