1. To be puffin-like in nature.

2. One who walks in a strange manner by taking three steps, then hoping one, and so on.

3. A synonym for blonde.

4. A cheltenham

5/ A lost case
1/ wtf?,ytf is that devi here now?

2/ Wonder what she got up to last night. She walks like a devi.

3/ This one time, at school camp, I was teaching a class, then realised I was instructing in the wrong room. Talk about a devi moment.

4/ Feeling needy?, try her, She's a devi.

5/ Dude, your exam started two hours ago. Farq your a devi.
by Rax1 November 10, 2004
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The worlds first sexiest sevy ever he’s a Biggo pimp ass nigga better watch out before he rocks yo shit bitchhhh!
Ayo mo cheeks devy the sexy sevy finna beat the black out yo ass
by IDropBodieZ🍽 May 12, 2019
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When you are very fucked on an assortment of things ya know, Beer...ect
I shouldn't of did that much im way to devied to ROLL to my house now.
by larry462 March 18, 2011
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That bad beat you took in poker last night was super fucking devy.
by UTcrony420 March 5, 2009
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A term when KeyDevy uses it in his videos to replace: rekt, owned, destroyed, one-shot, and some obsecure language.

2.) Only used when tensions rise in an event
Look at dis dude, trying to be tough, oo oo! Get DEVIED! He just got DEVIED by meh! He was coming at full speed and I just did the Devi combo! Guys this guy is officially DEVIED by KeyDevy!
by KeyDevy March 26, 2021
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A unique psychopathology affecting, in particular, bourgeoisie Indian women of Bihari ethnicity. The affliction is characterized by a deep-seated belief in pagan Hindu deities; an inherent yearning to sacrifice self-interests for familial wellbeing; a recurring attitude of ethical superiority; and an affinity to equate one’s actions with the doctrine of divine sanctity. A subgenre of desi-feminism, Devi-complex manifests as a function of a conservative culture, an increasingly prejudiced and orthodox media, and an obnoxious society that collectively objectifies womanhood by contextualizing it to the extreme ends of the morality spectrum. Overall, this pervasive disorder undermines the interests of Indian women by rendering them vulnerable to psychoemotional manipulation.
Ma always said that all she ever needed from life was to watch her son be happy; an extreme case of Devi-complex, indeed.
by Subhrishikesh August 30, 2019
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