An extremely cute, hot, smart, talented girl whos just way out of your league - although she wont treat you like it\
Chloe loves rain but would totes prefer playing volleyball at the beach with you. shes got a hott bod but doeesnt care to show it off cause she has some class if you tell her shes wrong, shes gonna admit to it and apologize. spot a chloe from afar, and she may look like a flirt but you get to know her shes just being nice. wont date just anybody who comes along cause she enjoys her freedom and independence, and hates being controlled by witless men.
loves to chill with the boys tho, and they like it as well cause if they cant have her they might as well hang out w/ her.

shes no slut, shes a keeper and heartbreaker. Chloe enjoys friendship and genuinely cares for ppl. thinks flirting is overrated and just wants to cut to the chase and be friends. have a problem she'll listen and be there for you if you need a hug.girls want to be jealous of Chloe and hurt her with devious schemes but they find that shes just too lovable towards everybody. guys want to get in her pants but she seeks refuge with her other guy friends who will beat the guy up/. loves playing sports and some friendly competition with her boys cause as soon as they realize shes good they stop "taking it easy" and legit play the game. and shes fit and fast and can take it
Billy- "Chloe is a sweetheart"
John- "yea man , we're hanging out later"
Billy- "what? dude thats not cool"
Chloe- "oh hey billy! you can come too, whe're havin a movie marathon"
Billy - "thanks chloe =)"
John - "yeah.. thanks chloe..."

chloe "AWE I love you too friend!"

guy1 "Chloes a babe"
guy2 "Ill fight you"

Chloe often times is a boy magnet, but then guys start seeing that shes more than a pretty face she becomes an everybody magnet.
by allIwantTOdoisLOVEYOU May 25, 2011
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Chloe may not feel beautiful or hot, but she is the most beautiful and adorable girl you can ever meet. She also just happens to be one of your good friend's sister.
1. Dude, Chloe is so harsh on herself, shes hot!

2. Bro, thats my sister!!!

1. .......
by mancandy777 November 20, 2013
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An amazing term for "beautiful girl" Research shows that most girls who are fortunately named Chloe tend to have a witty sense of humour, intense looks, a creative yet perverted mind, not to mention their undoubtedly well-endowed chest ;)
Daaayum she's amazing, I bet her name is Chloe
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Chloe brights up the lives of everyone around her, she makes the world a better place just being around. Chloe has the most amazing smile known to man, and it is terribly contagious. Whoever can call chloe 'theirs' is one of the luckiest people in the universe, and they must treat her to best of their ability if they wish to truly deserve her. The combination of Chloe's looks and personality make her truly beautiful.
Person 1: I met this beautiful girl the other day.
Person 2: She must have been a chloe.
Person 1: Yeah!
by bilonymous October 25, 2014
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In their natural habitat, chloes are happy and loud. You can always find a chloe by following a loud noise nearby. Chloes are rare and need to be properly appreciated on a daily basis.
Wow is that a chloe??

by May 19, 2021
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A Chloe is a girl who is about to take the world by storm. Usually tall and skinny with deep beautiful eyes that you fall into. Chloes are also sometimes unintentional heartbreakers. But, they dont fall for crap the players, pimps, and idiots who want to get laid tell them. Generally very smart. Their motto is "Beauty without intelligence is like a masterpiece painted on a napkin."--unknown. If you are lucky enough to have a CHloe who loves you, respect her, or else she will want nothing to do with you. If you have been reading this and one person has been on your mind the whole time, her name happens to be Chloe, and you haven't made a move yet, make it soon because if you are feeling this way, who knows she isn't too? Chances are she wont reject you.
Chloe: yes?
Guy: i was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime.
CHloe: I would love that!
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The most amazing person int he world, she is sometimes a little moody, but i don't mind because I love her to peices! If you have a Chloe in your life you are so lucky, so treat her right and don't stab her in the back!
Me: Chloe you coming to get a drink
Chloe: Yeah, I'd love to!
by shabba123 June 27, 2011
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